

Set is the ancient Egyptian god of chaos, storms, and the desert.
He is often depicted as a man with the head of an animal, most commonly a canine such as a jackal or a donkey.
Set was seen as a force of disorder and violence, but he also had a protective role as a defender against evil.



Osiris is the ancient Egyptian god of the afterlife, the underworld, and rebirth.
He is usually depicted as a green-skinned man wearing the atef crown, holding a crook and flail, and wrapped in mummy bandages.
Osiris was a central figure in Egyptian mythology, associated with resurrection and the judgment of souls in the afterlife.


Horus is the ancient Egyptian god of kingship and the sky.
He is usually depicted as a falcon-headed man or as a falcon.
Horus was one of the most significant gods in Egyptian mythology, associated with protection, sovereignty, and divine kingship.


Isis is the ancient Egyptian goddess of magic, motherhood, and fertility.
She is often depicted wearing a throne-shaped headdress and holding a lotus scepter.
Isis played a central role in Egyptian religious beliefs, especially as the mother of Horus and the wife of Osiris.



Ra is the ancient Egyptian sun god and one of the most important deities in Egyptian mythology.
He is often depicted with the head of a falcon and the sun disk on his head, representing the sun's rays.
Ra was believed to sail across the sky during the day and journey through the underworld at night, symbolizing death and rebirth.